Building it Together One Step at a Time


Experiential Learning | Networking | Building Community | Working | Playing | Interaction | Collaboration | Self Growth | Sharing | Asking | Social Impact |

Manifesting a New Economy Together

Step One


Lead or Join an ABUNDANCE Circle Today!

Ongoing Abundance Circles meet daily in our private Inner Circle reserved, shared suite in the Metaverse.

8am - 10am PST

11am - 1pm PST

2pm - 4pm PST

5pm - 7pm PST

8pm - 10pm PST

11pm - 1am PST

2am - 4am PST

5am - 7am PST

Abundance Circle Leaders enroll their own Abundance Members and once they have attracted their nine (9) Abundance Members, they are given a specific time slot on a specific day of the week. Once chosen and assigned, Abundance Circle Leaders can not deviate, unless they switch with another Circle Leader.

The key is consistancy.

Abundance Circle Members are allowed to attend as many Abundance Circles as they would like, on a first come first served basis. Paid-in-Full Abundance Circle Members are awarded the right to register in advance, and according to VirBELA, our global community's Metaverse service provider, there can never be more than ten (10) Abundance Members in the space at any given time, including the Circle Leader.

Circle Leaders are responsible to maintain this balance.



Circle Leader - Free with nine (9) Paid Abundance Circle Members

++Abundance Circle Yearly "Paid in Advance" Membership Dues - $108 Year

Unlimited Abundance Circles - Yearly "Paid in Advance" Membership Dues - $600 Year

**This is a fraction of what other networking groups charge, which are usually $450-$600 a year for much less.


Potential for 2912 Abundance Circles per Year|240 Abundance Circles per Month|56 Circles per Week|8 per Day


Abundance Circle Leaders host a minimum of one (1) Abundance Circle Team per week, consisting of nine (9) Circle Members.

Therefore, there are a limited amount of BETA "first come - first served" Circle Leader Opportunities Available.


Circle Leaders start their team circle with nine (9) paid Abundance Circle Members and are awarded a two-hour time slot that allows time for a one-hour Abundance Circle and two half-hour networking times before and after to afford Abundance Circle Members the opportunity to network, give referral leads, basically fully utilize our global community's Inner Circle Private Suite future of work areas to focus on massive action interaction.


Circle Members arrive no more than a half-hour prior to their circle time and leave no later than a half hour after. This gives them plenty of time to network and Interact with the members of their Circle. The reserved suite in the Metaverse has a limit of 10 concurrent members in attendance at any given time. Therefore, people that attend one circle are not able to stay for the next circle. The Circle Leaders determine and monitor their own circles.

So, when in doubt, please contact (TEXT) the Circle Leader.

What training does an ABUNDANCE CIRCLE LEADER require?

Circle Leaders are responsible for keeping a "balance" of business and service providers in each Abundance Circle to assure that all facets of the diamond are represented. Circle Leaders that have had prior experience in other networking groups like Business Networking International (BNI) may get priority, and those that have experience in guided meditation and other such facilitation and positivity tools would also be considered.

Of course, eXp agents skilled in leading a team and/or understand the VirBELA technology would also be given special consideration. Circle Leaders "train up" Abundance Circle Members and are rewarded for doing so by being invited to special Abundance Conferences and other such Metaverse global community events, so that they can become future Abundance Circle Team Leaders.

Once Circle Members have attracted nine (9) Circle Members they are eligible for FREE Membership thereafter, as long as they maintain nine (9) active and in good standing Circle Members. They also then have the opportunity and choice to start, create and facilitate their own Abundance Circle.


In a perfect world and as an example, an Abundance Circle would consist of: one real estate agent; one commercial real estate agent; one business broker; one CPA; one Financial Advisor; one Insurance Agent; one Lender/Loan Originator; one Life Coach; one 3.0 Web, Blockchain or Crypto Tech Professional; and one

Circle Team Leader.


Abundance Circles focused on a target for Collaboration or Social Impact, like the Environment, Blockchain, Web 3.0, Crypto, investing, Music, Art, Film, Book Club, Leadership, any form of Metaverse networking interaction.

Keeping this type of balance will assure that Abundance Circle Members are receiving referral leads that are relevant either to their industry or to their location. If Circle Members are not happy or impressed with the Abundance Circle, or just for variety, they are free to change Leaders or attend a different Abundance Circle.

Due to the nature of our agreement with VirBELA, the eXp owned Metaverse service provider, Circle Leaders may invite *non-eXp real estate agents to be an Abundance Member and attend our Abundance Circles, but they cannot become an Abundance Circle Team Leader.

*Of course, if they would like more information on becoming an eXp Business Partner, the eXp Agent Abundance Circle Leader or Member attendee would be more than happy to assist them in finding out more information about the benefits of joining eXp.

How an Abundance Circle Works:


The Circle Leader starts the circle with a closed eye meditation.

The role of an Abundance Circle Leader is to facilitate the event and Open the

Abundance Circle.

Circle Leaders are asked to hold the energy for the circle. They start by having all members stand and come together in circle, closing their eyes and setting their intention to unite their energies. The Circle Leader then leads them in a guided meditation to ground them into the room and give their full attention to the process. If a Circle Leader would rather a member of the group to lead the meditation, that is fine, also. This meditation is designed to have members identify what they are grateful for, including their remembrance of

when, where, how and why Abundance has been manifesting in their everyday life.

Each Abundance Circle Leader monitors the clock to make sure that shares and asks are kept to a maximum of 5 mins.

This gives all 10 Circle Members the opportunity to share and ask within a one-hour time frame, including the Circle Leader.

Abundance Circle Share and Ask


The purpose of an Abundance Circle Share is for each member of the circle to share their abundance by relating an event, situation, or current happening in our life where they recognize has demonstrated abundance in their life. It is so easy to complain about how things are not working, much harder to acknowledge and congratulate ourselves on those things and acheivements that we have accomplished. The abundace situation does not have to be, and in most cases is not, related just to money or crypto, a big thing or even something that is or may seem important to anyone else.

What matters is what matters to you, and therefore creates matter.


Briefly share your vision or project or target of your abundance and ask for help from the group in the form of leads, referrals, contacts, etc., that will help you acheive your vision. Meetup with Circle Members in the Private Suite at scheduled networking times before and after the Abundance Circle or share contact info and make a plan to meet in the Metaverse Campus.



For example, recently I honored my Abundance for "focusing my time, energy and money on my passion without being in scarcity" in my Real Estate Business focus. My Abundance RE-WIRED thinking helps me to manifest via

an openness to exploring other options and remaining centered and balanced.


During each Abundance Circle member takes their turn to share, the rest of the members remain quiet. The purpose of an Abundance Circle Share is not to receive helpful advice or feedback. After each member completes their individual share, the rest of the Abundance Circle members are free to express their support and enthusiasm via clapping, cheering, whatever they would like to do to reinforce positive interaction.



A very important dynamic of opening an Abundance Circle is closing it.

After all have completed sharing, and before there is any talking or networking, the Circle Leader has everyone stand and leads them in a guided meditation to intentially close the circle with gratitude. They close their eyes and focus on envisioning what they have received and on intentionally visioning what that looks like going forward, affirming to themselves that Abundance continues to FLOW into their lives. They see themselves as glass vessels full to the top and overflowing with love, money, happiness, gratitude i.e.,


Then having them open their eyes, the CIRCLE LEADER asks them to open their mics and leads them in a final affirmation, having them say "out-loud" all together,



Before or After the Abundance Circle when time permits, members are free to utilize the Family of LIght (FOL) Community's Private Suite to do business, network, generate leads and referrals, talk, share, watch videos, meditate, be nosey, whatever.

The rest of the week Circle Members are able to explore and experience the Metaverse Campus.

*Once a month 10 top performing Abundance Circle Teams and their Leaders that enroll the most Circle Members shall be invited to attend an ABUNDANCE CONFERENCE in a special location in the METAVERSE.

From "time to time" ABUNDANCE CIRCLE MEMBERS shall also be invited to attend "face to face" events, like vegan potlucks to Break Bread Together for a Better World, Masterminds to exotic places and/or Sacred Retreats.


eXp Business Partner and Sponsor

Meet the Creator

Family of LIght World Peace Ministries (FOL)